Learn how to build authority and prosper in stressful times. While everyone stays home build relationships and grow your personal brand. Because people all around the world spend more time than ever online and on social media, via @MarinaBarayeva. #personalbrand #personalbranding #business #smallbusiness #smallbiz #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #businesstips #marketing #mompreneur #ladyboss

Who would know that such things as pandemic will hit the world? So many entrepreneurs experience a difficult time right now. But every crisis leads to at least two options you can complain and cry about the losses or take your time to calm down and get into the new game of entrepreneurship being even stronger.

While everyone stays home now is a great opportunity to build relationships and grow your personal brand. Because people all around the world spend more time than ever online and on social media.

In this episode, Dan Kuschell shares how to build authority and prosper in stressful times.

Dan helps entrepreneurs get unstuck by implementing unique systems that achieve accelerated growth. With 25 years of experience, he’s started 11+ companies, & coached over 5000 entrepreneurs from a variety of industries around the world. He has been rated as a top 25 Influencer by Influencive, and his podcast is recommended by Forbes magazine.

You will learn:

  • Dan started working in the direct response marketing company and got obsessed with human behavior that led to opening his own company
  • How Dan started working with such well-known leaders as Brian Tracy, Dean Graziosi, Joe Polish
  • How to put value first to get the return
  • What’s missing when people try to grow their authority and how you can leverage that
  • How to build your content model in a modern way and what needs to be different nowadays
  • How to pivot in this stressful time if you’re a brand new
  • How to connect with the clients and thrive in a difficult time
  • Your message makes you different from many other businesses
  • Treat your online relationship like the regular offline relationship
  • How to build your email list
  • People need a connection right now. If you can, email them daily
  • Narrow down your focus to relationships, getting your message with video views, emailing your list regularly

Resources from this interview:

Connect with Marina Barayeva:

Learn how to build authority and prosper in stressful times. While everyone stays home build relationships and grow your personal brand. Because people all around the world spend more time than ever online and on social media, via @MarinaBarayeva. #personalbrand #personalbranding #business #smallbusiness #smallbiz #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #businesstips #marketing #mompreneur #ladyboss

Learn how to build authority and prosper in stressful times. While everyone stays home build relationships and grow your personal brand. Because people all around the world spend more time than ever online and on social media, via @MarinaBarayeva. #personalbrand #personalbranding #business #smallbusiness #smallbiz #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #businesstips #marketing #mompreneur #ladyboss

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