Personal stories can be very touching. It is the way for you to connect with people on a deeper level and show that you get them, you understand their worries and desires. Happy, sad, funny, embracing, scary stories. Everyone has something to share.
In this episode, Tom Jackobs shares how to sell more by sharing your personal stories.
You will learn how to find your stories and craft them in a way that will help you to sell.
Having a degree in Theatre has enabled Tom to help public speakers take their presentations to performances which turn in to more profits for their business. He’s owned several businesses and public speaking and storytelling has always been a part of his growth strategy.
In this episode, we will cover:
- [00:22] About the episode and Tom Jackobs
- [01:35] After working in the office Tom got health problems and was overweight that led him to fix his health and becoming a personal trainer
- [04:11] His business failed as he had difficulties with selling his work
- [07:02] The primary story that will help you to sell
- [10:29] How to find these personal stories that will help you to sell
- [12:18] How to structure your personal story that it will resonate with people
- [15:02] How to lead people to a sale
- [17:17] Why to tell embarrassing stories
- [18:50] How to quickly craft a personal story with an example of how a police officer wanted to shoot herself
- [23:32] The performing tricks to use when you tell your story on stage
- [26:16] The key steps on how to craft your personal story that leads to a sale
- [27:47] Where to find Tom online
- [28:54] For the show notes go to and subscribe to the Marketing for Creatives show
How to Craft Your Personal Stories to Sell More
- Step 1: Find the emotional moments in your life where you impacted people
- Step 2: Use a hero’s journey structure to write them out
- Step 3: Think about how you can relate it to what you sell
Resources from this interview:
- Learn more about Tom Jackobs on
- Get free Speaker Storybook and Video Training that will help you to craft your stories
- Follow Tom on Twitter
Connect with Marina Barayeva:
- Follow Marina on Instagram
- Follow Marina on Twitter

Marina Barayeva is an international speaker and coach who helps women entrepreneurs become recognized experts and confidently sell their services. She is also a TEDx speaker, has presented to audiences in Asia and North America, and has been featured in such media as ArtPeople, CCTV, China Radio International, and others.
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