If you think about that maybe you don’t charge enough for your service, then it could be the time to raise your prices. Or if you are new in your business then don’t sell yourself short.
In this episode, Blair Enns shares how to how to price your creative services.
You will learn the principles of how to set your prices, how to negotiate with people on the service packages you have, how to raise your price and close higher deals.
Blair is on a mission to change the way creative services are bought and sold the world over.
He is the founder and CEO of Win Without Pitching, the sales training and coaching organization for creative professionals, and the author of two books on selling and pricing for creative professionals Pricing Creativity: A Guide to Prot Beyond the Billable Hour and The Win Without Pitching Manifesto.
He is also the cohost, along with David C. Baker, of 2Bobs, the podcast on creative entrepreneurship.
In this episode, we will cover:
- [00:22] About the episode and Blair Enns
- [02:01] Blair started his career in an ad agency that led him to open a consulting business advising the ad agencies and design firms on business development
- [05:59] The difference in pricing when you move from the small town to the big city
- [08:31] How to set your price
- [13:34] Why some people get paid a lot and some stay with the low prices for a long time
- [17:03] How to price your service when you just starting out
- [22:27] An example of how to price a new business
- [29:49] How to negotiate the price
- [36:12] How to raise your price right now
- [42:39] Where to find Blair online
- [43:27] For the show notes go to marinabarayeva.com and subscribe to the Marketing for Creatives show
Two Rules of Pricing That Will Help You to Get Paid More
- Price the client, not the service or the job. Wealthy clients are willing to pay more
- Offer three different options
Resources from this interview:
- Learn more about Blair Enns on winwithoutpitching.com
- Read Brian’s books Pricing Creativity: A Guide to Profit Beyond the Billable Hour and The Win Without Pitching Manifesto
- Listen to 2Bobs podcast on creative entrepreneurship at 2Bobs.com
- Follow Blair on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
Connect with Marina Barayeva:
- marinabarayeva.com
- Follow Marina on Instagram
- Follow Marina on Twitter
Marina Barayeva is an international speaker and coach who helps women entrepreneurs become recognized experts and confidently sell their services. She is also a TEDx speaker, has presented to audiences in Asia and North America, and has been featured in such media as ArtPeople, CCTV, China Radio International, and others.
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