Create a simple sales funnel to attract clients online. Instead of going out and following every person you can attract clients online, bring them to your landing page, treat them with the interesting offer and then convert to the sale either online, on the call or offline. Via @MarinaBarayeva #blogging #contentmarketing #bloggingtips #business #smallbusiness #smallbiz #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #businesstips #marketing #creativeentrepreneur #creativebusiness #mompreneur #womaninbiz

Networking takes a lot of time, and some people don’t like it at all. Instead of going out and following every person you can attract clients online, bring them to your landing page, treat them with the interesting offer and then convert to the sale either online, on the call or offline.

In this episode, Rupali Monga shares how to create a simple sales funnel to attract clients online if you hate networking.

Rupali is a sales funnel success strategist. She grew sales for a fortune 10 technology business by 1.5 million dollars in just one year’s time and created her own 6-figure business in the direct sales industry.

In 2016, she launched EntreprenHER, a community of 7,500 women educating them on leadership, confidence, and business building.

'Retargeting is a great way to then capture that 70 % that didn't take action the first time' ~ Rupali MongaClick To Tweet

She now coaches female entrepreneurs on how to implement smart marketing and sales strategies, so they can build a profitable and lifestyle-oriented business without burning themselves out.

In this episode, we will cover:

  • [00:22] About the episode and Rupali Monga
  • [02:10] Rupali shares how after 10 years in corporate America she started her own business in fashion world and then focused on the direct sale industry
  • [04:23] What a sales funnel is and why you need it
  • [05:37] Three outcomes of a sales funnel
  • [07:16] The difference between leads and clients
  • [08:39] How to attract the right people online that can become your clients in the future
  • [12:12] How to create a sales funnel online for a photographer
  • [15:44] How to create a sales funnel online for a makeup artist and interior designer
  • [18:47] How to bring people to the first step of your sales funnel
  • [22:04] What to do if people came to your landing page and they don’t sign up for the offer
  • [24:14] How to sell when you got people to your email list
  • [28:18] The paid ways to attract client online to get them to the first step of your sales funnel
  • [30:44] Three free ways to get people to your sales funnel
  • [31:54] Where to find Rupali and how quickly get in touch with her
  • [33:35] For the show notes go to and subscribe to the Marketing for Creatives show

Top 3 paid ways to get people to your sales funnel

  • Facebook ads
  • Google ads
  • YouTube ads

Top 3 free ways to get people to your sales funnel

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Create a simple sales funnel to attract clients online with Rupali Monga. The perfect option if you have networking
Create a simple sales funnel to attract clients online with Rupali Monga. The perfect option if you have networking
Create a simple sales funnel to attract clients online with Rupali Monga. The perfect option if you have networking

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Simple Sales Funnel to Attract Clients Online If You Hate Networking – Interview Transcription

Create a simple sales funnel to attract clients online. Instead of going out and following every person you can attract clients online, bring them to your landing page, treat them with the interesting offer and then convert to the sale either online, on the call or offline. Via @MarinaBarayeva #blogging #contentmarketing #bloggingtips #business #smallbusiness #smallbiz #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #businesstips #marketing #creativeentrepreneur #creativebusiness #mompreneur #womaninbiz

Marina Barayeva: 

Please share with us your story. How did you get to the sales business? And tell us more about your EntreprenHER project.

Rupali Monga: 

Sure. Thank you so much for inviting me on here. I’m super excited to be here with you and share more about the work that I do.

Let me tell you a little bit more about my background and then we can take it from there.

My background, I come from the corporate world. I spent about 10 years in corporate America in a variety of different industries working in finance, nutrition and then my last gig was in the technology space.

In the technology company that I was at I was managing a 10-million-dollar wireless portfolio, product portfolio and I grew the sales for that business by 1.5 million dollars in under one year.

But I kind of came to a point in my life where I felt like I wanted to make a bigger impact, a real impact on real people and that’s when I really transitioned into starting my own business.

My first business was actually in the fashion world. I launched a fashion tech app. It was very mission-driven and working with under-represented designers, fashion designers, giving them a platform to sell their product and tell their stories.

I then moved out of that into the direct sales industry. Ended up building a six-figure business in under one year within the direct sales space, specifically using digital marketing and sales funnel strategy.

Now what I do, something I’m really passionate about is, I coach and consult female business owners. I work with them one on one and I coach them on how to use smart and effective digital marketing and sales strategies so that they can simplify and automate their sales and marketing engine and grow their business without burning themselves out.

Working with women is a passion of mine and as part of that passion, last year in 2016 I actually launched EntreprenHer which is a community of about 7,500 women. And as part of this community, we educate and empower women on leadership, confidence and business building.

As you can tell I’m a huge advocate for women in business and really educating and empower them to be the best version of themselves.

Marina Barayeva: 

Woohoo, sounds impressive.


Marina Barayeva:

You are a master in sales funnels. Tell us what is the sales funnel and why do people need it as they sell their stuff somehow already?

Rupali Monga: 

Sure. That’s a great question and definitely happy to talk about that.

Sales funnel, I’m going to talk about it at 10-thousand-foot view and kind of break it down a little bit from there.

Sales funnel is essentially a buying process that you lead your potential customers or clients. Think about a real-world funnel; just visualize a real-world funnel.

At the top of the funnel, you have some substance that’s poured in which filters down and comes up at the other end of the funnel. With the sales funnel, it’s similar but there is a step by step process and in a sales funnel, there are really four steps.

The first step at the top of the funnel is awareness. The second step is interest. The third step is decision. The fourth step is action.

So, you’re literally taking a prospective client through this step by step process.

So, at the top you have awareness. A lot of visitors enter your site and they come out at the other end of the funnel.

Now here’s the thing that you want to keep in mind. There are really three outcomes of someone that enters your funnel and at the other end there are three outcomes that could happen.

Create a simple sales funnel to attract clients online with Rupali Monga. The perfect option if you have networking

One is they purchase your product or your service, your program, whatever it is that you’re offering at the first shot of seeing it in your funnel; like an offer that you put up there. So, they immediately come out at the other end as a buyer.

Then, you got them as the buyer, great. Majority of people that see you in your funnel for the first time are not going to buy from you because they have no idea who you are. A small percentage will.

Create a simple sales funnel to attract clients online with Rupali Monga. The perfect option if you have networking

The second outcome of a funnel could be that they don’t buy from you immediately but they’re going to buy from you in the future; maybe tomorrow, maybe a week from now, a month from now, a year from now.

This is where you start nurturing them through email marketing by giving them value and presenting your services then as you continue building a relationship.

The third outcome that could happen at the other end of your funnel is that they just don’t buy from you. The main goal here that we want to focus on is really to capture those people that are willing to buy from you immediately and those that will eventually buy. That’s the whole point of a funnel.

It has one specific action and it’s plain and simple, to get you leads and to get you sales. That’s really the bottom line and it’s really like an automated machine. Once you set it up it runs for you 24×7.

Does that kind of help explain it?

Marina Barayeva: 

Yeah. When you were talking you mentioned several times leads, is it the same leads and clients or are there any differences?

Rupali Monga: 

That’s a really good question.

A lead is a prospective customer or client who expresses interest in your product or services and gives you their contact information such as an email address.

They may not be ready to purchase or work with you immediately but they’re interested. They’ve expressed interest which is the reason why they’ve given you their email address.

Once they are a lead your goal as a business owner is to really nurture that relationship through email and then turn them into a paying client.

A client is just someone who literally pays you for your services and products.

Think about it this way, it’s like a marriage. A lead is like a relationship. You’ve got to nurture it, you got to love them a little bit, take the next step and then that next step equals marriage.

So, a lead and client is very similar. Lead is like the first step in that relationship before you make them a client.

Marina Barayeva:

It looks like we need to attract people and then we somehow need to convert them to the client, right?

Rupali Monga: 

Exactly. Yes.

Marina Barayeva: 

What do we need to do to attract the right clients online, attract those who can become our potential clients in the future?

Rupali Monga: 

Yeah. Great question.

Attract, this is obviously the very first step. It’s part of your funnel or anything really that you do in the marketing world.

Attracting the right clients online start with becoming very, very clear on who your target market is and really getting inside their head.

The reason why I say this is because especially in the online world it’s very crowded as we all know. There is a plethora of information out there. So in order for your ideal clients, your ideal customer to hear you, to see you and to make a decision to buy from you, you need to really understand them inside out.

So, what does that exactly mean, really getting clear in your target market? It means that really understanding, number one:

  • What is your demographic? (their age, their location education, profession and all that stuff)
  • What are their pain points and frustrations?
  • What are their dreams and desires?
  • What is their buying behavior?
  • Have they bought a product or service that you have?
  • Have they bought something like that in the past?

are really understanding their buying behavior and also kind of knowing:

  • What blogs they follow
  • What magazines do they read
  • What gurus and authorities do they follow in your particular niche
  • What brands do they like

When you understand these things, you have a pretty good feel for who your ideal customer is.

Now, once you have that nailed down, and I always suggest this to my clients, don’t just think about it write about it. Because when you write it it becomes visual and it becomes real.

What I even do is I have like the little document that I have by my computer and I look at it every day because when I’m doing marketing I’m speaking to a particular woman. So I want to know who she is and looking at my ideal customer on a daily basis really creates that clarity for me. So, I highly recommend doing that.

So that’s the first step.

The second step in attracting, once you’ve gotten very clear on that is offering them something for free in your funnel to attract them to your brand and company so that they can give you their contact info.

When I say offer them something for free, free is a very powerful and effective attraction strategy but that something for free is called a lead magnet.

If you want me to kind of talk about that a little I can, but essentially when you’re offering the lead magnet what you’re doing is you’re building reciprocity because you’re giving them something for free that’s of value to them.

Then at the same time it’s helping you build an authority position in their eyes and it’s helping you build trust because you’re giving them something for free and then they give you their contact info.

Once they give you their contact info they become a lead.

That’s kind of the process that you want to take.

Marina Barayeva:

It sounds simple from your side, but for people who get used to dealing with clients offline, it can be confusing how to organize it online.

Can you give us some examples of how to build a sales funnel, let’s say for a photographer, makeup artist, and interior designer? Those are three different categories so if someone is in a similar niche they could model the process for themselves. What do you think?

Rupali Monga: 

Yeah, absolutely.

I can give an example for each of the ones that you mentioned. Before I start giving this example I want your listeners to kind of keep this in mind. When I said before a sales funnel has four steps to it, it’s the awareness, the interest, the decision and the action.

Awareness is always the first step. Awareness is and irrespective of the niche you’re in, whether you’re a photographer, a makeup artist, designer or any other service provider, the first step is understanding your ideal target customer as I just mentioned, in a detailed way and knowing where they hang out online.

Once you have identified your target customer, number one. Number two, you know where they hang out online, which is, it could be Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, forums. It really depends on your particular customer.

Once you have that piece nailed down, that’s when we start working on the interest piece of your funnel. How do you create that interest?

Let me give an example for a photographer. Let’s say that you’re a photographer and you know who your ideal target customer is, you know where they hang out online. The next step is, “Okay. How do I create that interest for them to actually come to my funnel?”

So, an example could be where you offer them a cheat sheet. This could be your lead magnet. A cheat sheet, a simple cheat sheet that could, I’m going to pretend like the photographer is in the bridal business. Let’s just say hypothetically.

It could be The 10 questions every bride must ask her wedding photographer. Hey, I just got married. I know I would be interested in knowing the 10 questions I should be asking my wedding photographer.

What that’s going to do in that customer or ideal customer’s mind is, “I want that cheat sheet. I want to know what those 10 questions are.” So she’s going to then come on to your site and then give you her email address in return for that cheat sheet. That’s the first step.

And at that point, you capture them as a lead. You’ve done the first step in the process.

Then as part of the next step which is decision, as I mentioned before, is now you want to offer them something and help them kind of make a decision.

What is it that you as a photographer want them to do? Do you want them to jump on a consultation call with you or do you have maybe a mid-priced product up to $197, $200 that you want to sell to them?

That’s something that you can offer on the next page of your funnel once they give you their email address. And now they can make a decision.

“Hmmm. This person just gave me this free cheat sheet. Let me just set up a 30-minute consultation with them.” And bam at that moment you’ve got a consult with this potential client.

Then the last step which is action is they either book the consultation with you or buy your product or they don’t. But you’ve given them an option, you’ve put that offer right in front of their face and you’re just asking them to do one thing, set it up or don’t set it up; buy from you or not buy from you.

If they don’t buy from you, you nurture them through your newsletter because you’ve captured their email address and you continue offering value and your services to them.

So you kind of see it’s a very streamlined process that you would take that potential client through.

Does that kind of help explain from a photographer perspective?

Marina Barayeva: 


Rupali Monga: 

Okay, good.

For the makeup artist and interior designer, it’s a very similar process.

Let’s say you’re a makeup artist and we’ve got the awareness part down. The next part is interest. How do you generate interest to attract a potential client as a makeup artist?

An example could be, hey, you have a five-minute beauty tutorial that has a headline How to recreate Kim Kardashian’s makeup looks without spending hundreds of dollars. Kim Kardashian, this is just a hypothetical example.

But Kim Kardashian is an authority in the beauty world and there are so many women out there that want to do their makeup like her. So, this could be an attractive headline. “Hey, you’re going to give me a five-minute beauty tutorial for free? Sure, I’ll give you my email address.”  At that point, bam that person has become a lead.

Then you follow the same process as I kind of explained for the photographer. You help them make a decision, whether you want them to get on a consult call with you or you have a product to sell they can take an action. If not, we nurture them through your email.

Then the last example for an interior designer. Again, how do you generate interest for a client as an interior designer?

Maybe you give them a checklist this time. You see how I gave you three different examples. You have a cheat sheet for a photographer. You have a five-minute tutorial for a makeup artist and for a designer you maybe have a checklist.

The checklist could be something like Transitioning from one home to two: A guide for single moms. Obviously, these are just hypothetical examples.

Then again, it follows the same process as it would for a makeup artist or a photographer. The real difference here is what is that free offer in the frontend, the lead magnet, as I mentioned, that you’re going to use to attract them into your funnel.

Does that help explain it?

Marina Barayeva: 


Rupali Monga:


Marina Barayeva:

It does. Very interesting.

Several options and maybe people will just use the examples as a tutorial or a cheat sheet or checklist.

Okay. Let’s say we created a page. We’re ready to collect their emails, our sales funnel is set. How can we bring people to the site, to our landing page?

Sometimes you have everything set and you feel like people should come and sign up. Maybe you see some traffic there and people do not.

Are they two different questions?

Rupali Monga: 


Let me just make sure I understand. Are you asking how do you actually bring people to the first step in your funnel?

Marina Barayeva: 

Mhmm, that is number one.

And number two, when people get to your landing page, to your website, some people do not sign up.

Rupali Monga:


The first question, let me address that first. Really what you’re asking me is how do you find these people, the people that will be interested.

That’s also called traffic generation by the way. For those that aren’t familiar with the word traffic, I’m not talking about highways. I’m talking about like online.

In online marketing world traffic means essentially visitors, people that come to your website.

So how do you find this traffic? The simple one-word answer is advertising.

The more, I guess involved answer to that is there are really two forms of advertising. They fall in two different categories. That’s how I like to think about it.

The first category is you have free advertising. When I say free, I mean financially, as in you don’t have to spend money but it’s way more time consuming and it’s manual. In this category, you have things like social media posting, posting on Instagram five times a day or posting on your Facebook page several times a day.

You have guest blogging. You can blog for big publications and magazines.

You have networking in forums and groups. You can join Facebook groups that are in your niche and go in them, build relationships, networks and that way you can attract people to your business.

Then you also have search engine optimization for those people that are into blogging. The best way to get your blog out there is to really get very good at search engine optimization.

These things that I mentioned are all again, free financially, but they require a lot more time and a lot more manual work. So that’s the first category.

The second category of advertising to bring people to your funnel is paid advertising – pay per click, pay per lead kind of things.

In this category, you have like Facebook advertising which by the way is my favorite. I love Facebook advertising because you can start really little, like five bucks a day and target very specific people. It’s my favorite form of advertising.

You also have Google AdWords, website banners, YouTube ads and things like that.

That’s kind of in a nutshell. The simple answer like I said is, you got to advertise to bring people to your funnel.

In the online world, there are so many different forms but really think about it as two categories. One is the free and one is the paid.

My recommendation always to people in the beginning that are just starting out in the online space is to really just try to keep it as simple as you can and focus on one, max two advertising strategies at a time. This way you can get comfortable with it. You can get really good at it and you just minimize that overwhelm that a lot of entrepreneurs have.

So start with one, max two and then as your brand and your business grows you can expand into other channels.

Marina Barayeva: 

And what if they come to your page and they do not sign up? What’s wrong? Is the offer bad or should we change something?

Rupali Monga: 

Yeah. That’s a good question.

If they come to your page and they don’t sign up, let me kind of help put this in perspective.

These are rough numbers. It could vary and I don’t want people to mark me for these exact numbers. But generally speaking, when someone lands on your funnel, the first step, your landing page you want to at least, at bare minimum get 30% of those visitors that land on your landing page to convert into a lead, to give you their email address.

Once they convert into a lead you take them through your funnel.

The remainder, 70%, if you can get it higher, I have some landing pages that I’ve converted at 60%. It really depends; it could vary, but the minimum should be 30.

Now, for that 70 % of people that don’t convert it could be a couple of different things. It could just be that that particular headline on that landing page just didn’t resonate with them. It could also be that they got distracted and they just decided not to do it at that point.

There are a couple things you could do. One, it’s called a retargeting which is amazing. And especially if you’re using Facebook ads, what you could do is, Facebook is so intelligent that if someone lands on your landing page and they don’t give you their email address right away, they will retarget them with their ads again and again and again.

One thing to keep in mind, in marketing, people need to see your brand, your services, products at least seven times for them to make a decision. If you can automate that retargeting process where your ads are shown to them over and over again, there’s a much higher chance for them to come back and say, “Oh yeah. I’m going to give her my email address this time.”

Create a simple sales funnel to attract clients online with Rupali Monga. The perfect option if you have networking

Retargeting is a great way to then capture that 70 % that didn’t take action the first time. The second thing you could do is just change up your lead magnet, your free offer. Test a different headline because different headlines will resonate with different people.

Marina Barayeva: 

Okay. So, let’s say we got their email and we probably send them a few emails. How will we close the deal? Should we do it online, on the phone, we should meet with them? What is better and do you have any recommendations about that?

Rupali Monga: 

Yeah. Very good question.

There are a couple of different ways you can do that. And honestly, it really depends on the price and the type of product and service you’re selling.

These are some general benchmarks to keep in mind and I’m going to walk through a couple of them.

If you’re selling a product, a program, a service that’s up to about $197 up to $200, you can market it in your funnel up front. So right after someone gives you their email address, on the next page, like the thank you page, you can have an offer on it saying, “Hey. Thank you for signing up to get XYZ cheat sheet or whatever.” and then at that point you would offer your product to them.

But you don’t want to make that product too pricey in the funnel because if it’s too pricey it’s going to be very hard for you to get that sale right away.

Now, if your program, product or service is between $197 and $497, you can promote that product or service through like a video sales letter. You shoot maybe a 10, 15, 20-minute video explaining the benefits and kind of walking through it and at the end, you can promote that product to them.

If your product or service is between or $497 and $1997 it’s best to promote it through webinars. Webinars are a very effective marketing strategy. They’re usually like 90 minutes long and you’re literally spending 90 minutes with these people, teaching them, educating them, giving them value and then at the end you invite them to purchase your program or your service.

Now, if your program or service or product is above $2,000, you need to get them on the phone. People are very reluctant to spend above $2,000 online. It’s a lot of money. So that’s when you would propose a free consultation, make it very low barrier.

And if you do need to speak to a client before selling them your program or service and you need to get them on a consultation, there are two things I keep in mind.

If for whatever reason if your product is below $500 and you still want to speak to them before signing them up or you know selling your product to them, I spend usually about 15 minutes on a call with those prospective clients.

15 minutes understanding their needs, understanding them and at the end of 15 minutes, I would then invite them to purchase my program or service.

If your product or service is above $500, so $2,000, $1,500, whatever it is and you need to speak on the phone with them, then I usually spend about 30 to 40 minutes speaking with them, understanding the needs and inviting them to purchase my programs or services.

So you see it all really depends on your pricing and also the types of products or services you are offering. If your programs are very high priced, it’s going to be unlikely they’re going to purchase online. You’re going to need to get on a call with them. So it really depends on the price points.

Marina Barayeva:

Okay. Boom! We got a sale.


Rupali Monga:


That’s the whole goal, right?

Marina Barayeva:


Rupali Monga:

It’s bottom line.

Marina Barayeva:


Rupali Monga:

Sales and profit is what I’m all about.

Marina Barayeva:

Let’s put it in a little strategy.

What are the three marketing ways would you recommend to us to attract clients online to get them to the first step of your sales funnel?

Rupali Monga: 


So the first step as we have been saying is awareness. The first step, generating awareness to get them to our funnel.

The different marketing ways again are going to vary based on number one, how much time you have to allocate to this process.

There are a lot of people, especially creative entrepreneurs, they’re very passionate about the service that they’re providing, the work that they’re doing and sales and marketing sometimes it tends to be a drag. So, if you have very limited time you want to think about that. If you have a lot more time then that’s another thing.

The first step is really getting clear on how much time you have to allocate to your marketing.

The second thing you want to get clear on is what is your budget like. Do you have a budget to do maybe, paid advertising?

These are two things: your budget and time is something that you’re going to want to think about before you make a decision on how you want to do your marketing.

Create a simple sales funnel to attract clients online with Rupali Monga. The perfect option if you have networking

Now once you’ve made that decision, again going back to what I said before, there are two categories of marketing, two buckets really. The paid bucket, paid marketing and the free marketing.

My recommendations, my top three marketing ways in these two buckets I’ll mention right now.

So, in the paid category as I mentioned before, I love Facebook ads – love, love, love. Why? Because number one, there are two billion people on Facebook. You’re going to probably find, not probably, you will find your target market, for the most part. Unless you’re in like a banned industry that Facebook doesn’t like you’re going to find your target market on Facebook.

On top of that, you can start with $5 a day. You can start very small. You don’t have to have a big budget and you can get very targeted. For a marketer, that’s really what you want.

So, Facebook ads is one. Second is Google ads.

Google ads are more for people that are in certain industries where people are literally searching for your product or service on Google. That’s kind of where you want to be.

Google ads are a little bit more expensive so this is kind of like last resort. It really depends on your particular niche.

The third is YouTube ads. YouTube ads again, are good but if you hate videos then I don’t know if you want to go down the YouTube ad route.

So, these are the three categories. My favorite in paid marketing is Facebook ads.

Now, if you have absolutely no money. No money and you’re like, “You know what? I got to hustle and I’m going to just spend some time in my marketing.” These are the three categories that you can market your services in.

One is Facebook groups, again I’m going back to Facebook but this time it’s really using the free strategy. What that means is finding groups in your particular niche. If you’re a photographer, a beauty, fashion, whatever, it doesn’t matter. Finding groups in that niche, get in them and really start building relationships and adding value and that’s when you can invite people to your business.

Second is email marketing. If you already have a list, capitalize on them. Send them emails, send them your offers and services. People are already on your list. You don’t need to spend more money.

And then last but not least is posting on social media profiles like Instagram. If you already have a big following this could work really well for you.

Marina Barayeva:

Fantastic. You gave us paid ways and free ways. Now we can do whatever we want. Get more clients.

Rupali Monga: 


Marina Barayeva:

Okay. Thank you so much, Rupali.

How can we find more about you, about your projects? How can we connect with you?

Rupali Monga:

Yeah, absolutely.

And again, thank you so much for this opportunity.

The best way to connect with me right now is you can connect with me on LinkedIn. You just type in my name, Rupali Monga. Or you can connect with me on Facebook on my fan page which is I’m there as well.

I’m in the process of updating my sales funnel so once I have that I can provide it to you. But for now, LinkedIn and Facebook are great ways to connect with me, send me a direct message I’m happy to talk.

In terms of projects, as I was mentioning before, I specifically work one on one with female entrepreneurs to help them create automated marketing systems so they can get time back in life, in their business, make more money and make a greater impact with their products or services.

I do offer free private consultations but there is an application process. And really the goal of the consultation is to understand their business, give them some actionable tips on that phone call that they can apply in their business and determine how I can best help them scale their sales and income on autopilot.

Like I said, you can connect with me directly on LinkedIn, shoot me a message, or on my Facebook fan page. And if it’s a good fit I’m happy to see how I can best help female entrepreneurs grow their business.

Marina Barayeva: 

Amazing. Rupali, you’re awesome.

Rupali Monga:

Oh, thank you so much, Marina. You are too.

Marina Barayeva:

Thank you so much for being on the show today.

Rupali Monga: 

Yeah, absolutely.

Thank you once again for this invitation. Really, really appreciate it and I had a lot of fun talking to you.

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