If you confused with who your ideal client is and how to connect your branding message with him, you might get stuck with people who you don’t want to work with. Here are the tips on how to get your branding message to connect with your ideal client so you will work with people you want. Via @MarinaBarayeva #branding #brand #smallbusiness #mompreneur #smallbiz #entrepreneur #creativeentrepreneur #ladyboss #womaninbiz

Imagine the situation that you want to work with one type of clients, but at the end, you get stuck with people who you don’t really want to deal with, even if that brings you some money.

This situation often happens when you get confused with who your ideal client is and how to connect your branding message with them.

In this episode, Bryce Prescott shares how to get your branding message to connect with your ideal client.

As an entrepreneur and performance coach with several successful business endeavors under his belt, Bryce makes expertise, knowledge and practical, proven processes available to those looking to take their Lives, Businesses, Health and Being to an elevated level.

'The right branding message can take as long as it takes' ~ Bryce PrescottClick To Tweet

He also couldn’t nail down his branding message as he would want it for years. But once he did it, it got a significant positive effect on his business.

In this episode, we will cover:

  • [00:22] About the episode and Bryce Prescott
  • [02:01] Bryce tells his story as an entrepreneur. After changing several jobs, business bankruptcy, health issues and other challenges he loves the journey of creating something and seeing it through
  • [04:16] Why you need a branding message
  • [06:42] Why even if you have the avatar of the ideal client and basic branding message you still sell everything to everyone
  • [08:09] The worst mistake you can do is not stick to your avatar or be too wide
  • [09:35] How to create a branding message if you want to work with the higher paid clients
  • [12:11] You need to focus and commit to working with your ideal client even if sometimes you need to say ‘No’ to the lower money
  • [13:43] Be prepared for the time to get the right traction
  • [14:10] How to craft a branding message
  • [15:50] Going through the example of finding problems for people who may need a luxury photography service
  • [16:50] How to use ‘heaven and hell’ explanations to get your branding message to connect with your ideal client
  • [17:54] The core foundation of the branding message
  • [21:46] How to use the ‘heaven and hell’ pictures if you are a painter, fashion designer or in the similar visual industry
  • [25:05] The right branding message can be as long as it takes
  • [26:04] Bryce’s story of his podcast that he hosted for 3 years and then closed
  • [29:31] How rebranding changed Bryce’s business
  • [30:39] Why using money as the measure of success can bring you less money as you could get
  • [32:20] How to create a branding message without having it too pushy
  • [34:53] What are the ‘must have’ parts of the branding message
  • [38:04] Where to find Bryce Prescott
  • [38:57] For the show notes go to marinabarayeva.com and subscribe to the Marketing for Creatives show

2 Things to Remember When You Create Your Branding Message

  • Your potential clients need to know the emotional result of working with you
  • Don’t get cut up in the mechanics of what you offer

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How to create your branding message that connect with your ideal client with Bryce Prescott
How to create your branding message that connect with your ideal client with Bryce Prescott
How to create your branding message that connect with your ideal client with Bryce Prescott

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How to Get Your Branding Message to Connect with Your Ideal Client – Interview Transcription

If you confused with who your ideal client is and how to connect your branding message with him, you might get stuck with people who you don’t want to work with. Here are the tips on how to get your branding message to connect with your ideal client so you will work with people you want. Via @MarinaBarayeva #branding #brand #smallbusiness #mompreneur #smallbiz #entrepreneur #creativeentrepreneur #ladyboss #womaninbizMarina Barayeva:

Bryce, please tell us a little bit about yourself. What is your entrepreneurial story?

Bryce Prescott:

Like we just said before we started recording, this is going to take a couple of hours. So hopefully your listeners are okay with this long-winded speech I got here (laughing). Kidding of course.

My entrepreneurial journey has been my entire life. I’ve always been somebody that found a weird sort of comfort in knowing that it was up to me. And from the time that I was a young boy I was always buying and selling things to try to get ahead.

I had a couple of regular jobs when I was in my teenage years, but they never seemed to stick. And after a couple of stints with that, I just realized that it wasn’t for me. I started in my early 20s doing some sales stuff, and it just has evolved to where now I find myself in 2018 as a performance and mindset coach at the same time I’ve done some branding and consulting work.

I’ve run a few successful real estate businesses. I’ve done some agricultural commodities work. And I find myself now having kind of played the field if you will in those sales based business, based ventures. Really enjoying this current sort of trajectory of my entrepreneur journey.

One of the things that have always been a part of me and a part of my psyche is that I I love that it’s up to us. As an entrepreneur, it’s if you’re going to be successful, it’s up to you. I mean that’s basically a mantra of life. It just seems to embody itself in the way we make money with entrepreneurs.

My journey started as a young boy. I’ve had my ups and downs I’ve had bankruptcy and divorce and health issues, and I got cancer for a little bit, and I’ve had all these things. But the underlying kind of thread and tenet of it all is that I’m an entrepreneur at heart, and I love the journey of creating something and seeing it through.

Marina Barayeva:

Wow. You’ve got a mix of everything. What a story.

Bryce Prescott:

A little bit. Yeah.

Marina Barayeva:

So now you’re accumulating everything and bringing up everything to follow your path.

Bryce Prescott:

That’s right.

Marina Barayeva:

You mentioned that you were working with branding and today we’re going to talk about how to get your branding message to connect with your ideal client. Why do people need a branding message?

Bryce Prescott:

This is this is a great question. I feel that they need a branding message. There are two sorts of pillars that I’d like to go into specific to this question, Marina. One of the reasons why people need a branding message is because of the journey that it takes them on to discover what their own message is.

When, for example, if I use my own sort of experience as an example, it wasn’t until recently I’d say recently in the last year or so that I truly understood what my branding message needed to be based off of some deep level work that I had done on my person, on myself to understand how I wanted to both be represented through my message as well as how I wanted my work and my person and my message, who I am, to be highlighted through the things that I did within my message.

I think people get it twisted in a way where they want to craft some sort of message that makes them look shiny and new and pretty so to speak. But it covers up a lot of things that actually when they go into that work helps them to understand who they really need to.

This idea of our ideal client. I have seen it happened too many times where people jumped the gun. They don’t even need to be worrying about their ideal client because they don’t even know exactly what their real message is.

Understanding on a deep level who they are as a person. What their actual product is. What they’re giving. What their value is. What their imprint on the market is.

Why they need a branding message? Because the process of getting to that exposes all that is a very beautiful organic way. And it allows a person at that point then to be ready to go out and to do business with this new sort of mantra and message. Does it make sense?

Marina Barayeva:

Yeah. And as you say, people get confused with an ideal client and the service, the offer they have. Bryce, we talked about some about the ideal client before in other episodes we touched personal branding, but have you noticed that in real life often you may create an avatar of the ideal client, write down your branding message, but at the end you sell everything to everyone.

What’s the problem there?

Bryce Prescott:

That’s a great question as well. The problem, in my estimation, is a little bit of insecurity and a little bit of a kind of fear-based lack sort of ideas.

When we decide who we want to sell to, based off on our message, and we understand what our product does, and who it is best for, the most disciplined action that you can take as an entrepreneur or a business owner is to stick to that avatar to stick your messaging in your copy, your colors, and your images and everything about what you are selling or presenting or offering to that specific avatar.

How to create your branding message that connect with your ideal client with Bryce Prescott

When people don’t do that it’s really short-sighted. Because they don’t get that, they think that by broadening out their message you’re going to appeal to more people and unfortunately, that’s actually something that’s not usually earned until you’ve been established in your marketing and branding for a long long time.

To give you an example one of my mentors is a gentleman by the name of John Lee Dumas. He’s you don’t know who Johnny Dumas is, he has the Entrepreneur on Fire podcast and he has some great podcasting products that he helps potential and existing podcasters to work with.

And throughout his work, he talked about how the worst mistake you can do is to not stick to your avatar or to have it be too wide because at that point then you’re like a jack of all trades master of none and you’re not really appealing to anybody on a deep level because especially the beginning of somebody being introduced to you or your product.

You have to part the seas so to speak. You’ve got to make an impact to the point where people know if they are into you or your product or they’re not. When you market to everybody, you lose that sort of appeal; you lose that sort of distinction.

It’s not good for you, or your brand, or your business. But the reason why people do that is out of fear. They think ‘Oh there’s no way I’m going to be able to support my business, or my product, or with just this narrow lane of clients.’

But in fact, the opposite is exactly true that the narrower and deeper you go into understanding your ideal client the more successful you’re all but guaranteed to be.

Because you know exactly who they are. You know their interests. You know the things that they like and what they don’t like. You know the colors that appeal to them. You know the way to speak to them. You know how to connect with them.

And it’s so important to stick to that avatar and to understand that and to be loyal and committed to that ideal client, because you’ll just lose if you don’t.

Marina Barayeva:

And when people are growing there are some situations like, for example, I’m a photographer, and some people think ‘Oh, I want to be a luxury photographer. I want to work with reach people. And I promote myself. I tell everyone like these.’ But in fact, I don’t get these clients. Even if I tell like ‘Oh, I’m so cool. I’m a luxury photographer.’ I still work with… I don’t know, like a hundred dollar clients or low paid clients.

I saw similar things in other niches, not only photographers do that. So how to get this branding message, how to create it so you will connect with your ideal client and you will sell to this client.

Bryce Prescott:

I think there are two parts to that, Marina.

I think that part of it is actually creating a branding message. And there’s a bunch of different ways that you can do that when you know who you want to sell to.

For example, using your example of being a luxury photographer, you can you can look around at other people in the same industry, and you can understand exactly who the ideal client is. Then, from understanding who that ideal client is you can see the things that are around that client.

There are other interests, the things that they spend their time on.

  • What motivates them?
  • What repulses them?

There’s no wheel to reinvent when it comes to this. Your ideal client is already sitting there, and there’s already somebody else as well working with your ideal client.

It’s just a matter of research and attention to be able to go find who that is. I’ve seen people time and time again be frustrated about not knowing or being able to find their ideal client while at the same time not doing the necessary work and research to really get in their head.

When you think about it on that level of, using your example, being a luxury photographer, the type of person that’s going to hire a luxury photographer has things that are very similar one to another with other people, with the other people that use luxury photographers.

That avatar you can find it out. Then, you can then start to see the words that they use, see the things that they embody, see what’s important to them. Appeal to that through your marketing and your message, like I said, your image, your colors, and all the other stuff.

The other side of that though outside of not doing the work to really get into the head of who your ideal client is the other side of that is there’s this quote that I’ve heard many times that I love and it says you get to keep what you’re committed to.

And if you’re committed to only working with your ideal client that means that when your $100 client shows up as much as it might pain you to say NO to that money, you’ve got to say No to that money.

You’ve got to keep your focus on the ideal client. You have to embody what that ideal luxury photography client wants and needs. Your product has to reflect that. You have to be exactly what they want. And by wasting your time even out of it, again it goes back to what I discussed before, about lack and fear of missing out and not having enough.

When you’re in your own head so much that you’re willing to take jobs that do not fall in line with your intended ideal client and your intended product. You will get to keep that. You will have to then recommit to another type of… you have to recommit on a regular basis to your ideal client as a luxury photographer.

It takes some discipline. You get to keep what you’re committed to. So if you’re committed to only working with a specific client and then you choose to work with somebody else your business will reflect that.

How to create your branding message that connect with your ideal client with Bryce Prescott

It takes some discipline, but that discipline has to be followed up with a firm understanding that you actually are connecting with your client.

I would add a third part in there that this takes time. This is not something that you can put your website up on Monday and then by Wednesday, you’re just this super famous luxury photographer that has your pictures all over the planet in these high-end publications and places. You have to be okay with the work and prepare for the work and prepare for the time needed to get traction.

Marina Barayeva:

How to craft a branding message based on what we’ve learned about our ideal client? What will be the foundation of the message?

Bryce Prescott:

To repeat your question, are you asking me how to create your branding message or how to create… Okay.

Now we know who is our ideal client. You gave us some tips, so we need to go deep and search to craft this ideal client. Now we need to create this message. How will we present ourselves to them so we can stick to them? And if we’re luxury photographers who will say NO to the low paid clients.

So, there’s a very simple formula I can give that will help with this. This is not only applied obviously to photography. This is more generic for all individuals that are looking to create a powerful branding message.

Anybody that you want to sell to no matter what the industry is no matter what the product there are two things that they are very well aware of or if they’re not well aware of on a cognitive level they definitely are at a subconscious level and those two things are the hell associated with not having your product and the heaven associated with it.

There’s this dichotomy when it comes to your powerful branding message what you want to do is you want to be able to state a problem that this client has.

As an example, help me out with this, Marina, with being a luxury photographer. It’s a problem that your clients would face? What’s a problem that they have?

Marina Barayeva:

Lack of confidence in front of the camera.

Bryce Prescott:

Okay. What would be the difference between… why a luxury photographer? What is special about a luxury photographer? Or what problem does a luxury photographer solve that a regular photographer doesn’t at all?

Marina Barayeva:

Service. They treat them better. It’s basically you come and you get everything you care about. What I do for my people is you get hair and makeup done. You have the props if you need. We have different locations or different environments to do the photo shoot.

Bryce Prescott:

And this is this is great. I’m going to cut you off there if you’re OK because I really think you’ve given me some great information here.

Basically, the heaven that your client is looking to experience is to have all that taken care. You’re going to handle the hair. You’re going to have the location picked out. We’re going to have even wardrobe. I mean, whatever it is. You’re going to choose all that.

The hell the other side the problem that exists is what if that’s not handled So there’s a person that needs a luxury photographer. What the solution that you offer and how you craft your powerful message is in creating that picture of what it’s like to not have you.

For example, in your case here. Can you imagine what it would be like to show up for the photo shoot? There’s no hair and makeup there, and so you’re scrambling around. Then you’re getting phone calls on your cell and things you have to happen because, obviously, if you need this extra service. You’re a busy person. You’ve got all this stuff going on, and it doesn’t happen.

So, you’re stressed. Then you’re not comfortable in front of the camera because you’re not dealing with the right person and this is horrible.

You just paint this picture of this chaotic mess hell that would exist, and then you take that next step further. Like if this persists then it’s going to get even this bad.

Then your product is the answer that’s this heavenly answer for everything that they need. So by creating your branding message this polarity of how great it could be with working with you.

‘Oh my gosh, it has to be great because the hell is horrible I could not stand it if I had to deal with the hell.’ That’s the picture that you want to paint for your client.

That truly is the foundation of a powerful branding message. It’s the heaven and the hell. It’s understanding what the problem is that you saw all and then digging really deep into that problem so that you are painting such a stark picture of what their life would be like without you.

That it naturally is, of course, they’re going to work with you. You solve every one of their problems. That obviously doesn’t just apply to luxury photography, it applies to everything.

For example, if you’re an adult, like my work as a performance and mindset coach I really help people to get their act together so that they have more time in their life, that they’re able to get their relationships on point, they’re actually able to get in shape. This idea of a balanced life seems like this thing that people think is impossible but yet they crave it.

So I come in I say ‘Oh great. You have some money. That’s awesome. But you’re out of shape. Your relationships stink. Your creativity sucks. Ok cool. Let’s just continue down that road.

This is what’s going to happen to you: you get further into shape, you’re possibly going to get diseases, maybe even cancer you’re going to get a divorce, your wife is going to leave you because you’re a horrible person because you can’t keep. You’re not doing the right things in your life to maintain spirituality and creativity.

Who knows your money is probably going to go away at some point if it already isn’t now.

You are destined to this life of horrible solitude because you haven’t made one decision that actually could take you to a place where imagine this you have a peaceful life, you have more money than you need, your relationships are abundant, you’re in great shape, you are spiritually connected, you have great creativity, you are just living the place where life is great.’

The two sides of that or the picture that I paint is like ‘So. OK. Great. You aren’t peaceful. You’re starting your days putting out fires. You’re getting pulled every which way direction. That sucks. It can get worse. Believe me. But it doesn’t have to.’

And then I paint the picture of the other side of that you start your day with mindfulness and gratitude. When challenging things come up in life, you’re such an evolved person that you handle it differently than you would when you were just running around, just going crazy.

That heaven and hell polarity and painting that picture. That is the foundation of every powerful branding mission. Because you got to be… the people that are interested in you have to know what they’re missing out on when they don’t work with you. And then they have to feel and see the picture of that hell of where they’re headed if they don’t work with you.

Can you see kind of that dual polarity works like the one side is you’re entering them into this magical place where everything is exactly what they want?

But if they don’t choose to work with you not only is that magical place not available to them, they have this other hell that they’re going have to deal with those other stress and anxiety and all this other stuff.

So painting those pictures. The work that it takes to understand is you’ve got to, again, dive into the head of that client and see what is their hell, what is there happen, what matters to them.

It’s very very powerful it’s not as hard as people think. I guess that’s not true. It’s not as complicated as people think.

We tend to overcomplicate this entire process and to make it into as well what font should I use and weather. All that stuff does have its place and it is important, but it’s quite irrelevant. If you can’t understand the heaven and hell that your client experiences at either working with you or not being able to work with you.

Marina Barayeva:

Bryce, it’s interesting how you say that to play with the heaven and hell, but sometimes, let’s say artists or fashion designers, there is no hell. They paint a picture and where is the hell for a person: Are you going to buy my painting or not? Are you going to buy my dress or not? So what they can do?

Bryce Prescott:

When I say hell, I don’t mean like literal hell and fire and brimstone and Satan walking around. There is a lack though. I would offer that, let’s say, in the case of an artist. The person will buy their painting or not buy their painting.

The hell of the person who doesn’t buy their painting, the hell of the ideal client of a painter or an artist is that their home is drab. They’re not surrounded by things of substance. They don’t have manifestations of creativity close to them, or they can have those moments of awe because of what they’re able to view.

That’s why people are attracted to art and paint in opera and music is because of the feeling. So when that’s pulled away the person doesn’t have that.

An artist still has a hell that they could paint metaphorically speaking obviously.

Same with fashion. You could be in the stylish clothes that make you feel like a million bucks, and you’ve got this entire look in this aura. Or you can be this a commonplace person that’s walking around in these drab uncomfortable clothes that just doesn’t speak to you, and it’s not very appealing or attractive.

There’s a heaven or hell in every way. Now it’s not a literal hell obviously that it’s about the lack.

What are they going to miss out?

If somebody doesn’t buy a painting, they’re going to miss out on the inspiration that that art can provide. They’re going to miss out on the beauty that that art brings into the life of that person by walking by it when it’s in the gallery, or their four years, or in the hallway where the painting is hung. They’re going to miss out on those emotional moments.

When I talk about getting into the head of your ideal client, it’s this type of stuff you’ve got to do. You’ve got to do some real visualization and deep work. And then understand that the person that doesn’t buy the painting isn’t going to die. It’s not like the actual hell (laughing). But there is a lack there is something they’re missing.

And you can paint a very good picture with your marketing about how important that is on the other side as well.

So now you bought my painting great. This is what you’re going to get. You’re going to get this beautiful thing that’s going to be there. It’s going inspire these moments. It’s going to be a conversation piece between your guests. It’s going to be this great value for where it is and that’s what justifies the money.

If you don’t have it in there, fine. Just have a boring hallway. There’s no print. There’s no beauty there. And nobody’s going to talk about it. It is going to be this drab cold place.

Can you see how even in something as esoteric as painting there is a hell for who don’t buy from that client, from that person?

Marina Barayeva:

If we craft our braining message, we cannot talk for hours. I suppose it should be short. How long should it be? What should we put there? Maybe you can give us an example on your branding message.

Bryce Prescott:

Sure. Well, there’s a couple of parts of your question that I want to say. The right message can take as long as it takes as far as the creative process of the person creating the message. I don’t think that you should ever rush that.

You can be earnest about it. Make sure it happens quickly. But rushing it is at your peril it’s not something you want to do. So as far as the specifics of even my own and kind of how I came about it, it’s been years in the making, to be honest with you.

To give you an example, I’ve done some really interesting deep work on myself to understand my person, my these kind of conflicting parts of my personality, what things are interesting to me, and what things aren’t. Trying to understand who I am.

So that I can know how to best utilize my skills when it comes to this landscape of putting myself out there as a coach, as a podcast host myself and as somebody that creates content that is appealing or hopefully appealing to other people.

I had this interesting thing happen. Several years ago, when I actually got out of my commodity’s business, I started a podcast that was called Rules of Success. I did it for close to three years 182 episodes. There are several hundred hours of content that’s on iTunes from that old podcast and I shut that podcast down last summer. The reason why I did it is because I figured out some things about my person.

I’m one of these weird people that have these conflicting ideas of my personality where I really enjoy kind of simplistic, childlike faith optimism, really kind of hopeful light connectives, really innocent sort of experiences with people. Spiritual if you will.

But I also have this other side of my personality where I’m kind of a smart alec. And I’m a little bit crass sometimes. I enjoy introducing ideas that might be in the fray a little bit. It’s something that might cause somebody to raise their eyebrows to think ‘Oh, what are you talking about?’

This more, I guess, abrupt or even irreverent if you will. And I kept battling these two parts of my personality thinking that you know I had to be one or the other.

Ironically neither one of those personality types fit with my brand for my old podcast rules of success the idea that there are these actual hardline rules didn’t work for my personality at all on either side. But yet I was doing this podcast trying to fit into this mold where I was this high-level successful entrepreneur and I would bring in these other people to talk to. It just didn’t work.

After about 100 episodes, I had 182 episodes when I shut it down. But I was fully fatigued about 100 hundred episodes in. And on top of that, it wasn’t growing.

I wasn’t getting business off of it. I was really good at getting business for the people that came in as guests of my show. But I personally wasn’t getting any business out of it.

And what I learned and the reason why I shut it down is that I was projecting a brand and a message that didn’t line up with me that would have worked great with somebody else at the helm. But it didn’t work for me.

So when I shut it down, I continued to do some work and I realized ‘OK, so I need to blend these two things together’ I need to have them be a more crisp sort of simple presentation in my logo, and my colors, and my branding. And as far as my messaging it had to be a combination of those two things.

I was like a little bit saint, a little bit sinner. It’s like these two things kind of not separate but bringing them together and appealing to that part of each person. It’s like yeah ‘It’s OK to curse every now and then and to have some fun while at the same time being a spiritual person.’

Talking to the sensibilities of those two parts of my personality was something I was scared to do before. And so by then crafting this message of, like I said the saint and the sinner, can live inside the same person.

And let’s take that, let’s stop demonizing it. Make it just you. Now, my product as a coach is that I help people to get to a higher level of balance an efficiency in their lives, so they have successful businesses, they have fit healthy bodies, they have dynamic, supportive relationships, they have a creative expression, they have a spiritual connection, all of those things together.

When I’m coming to them as the spokesman of this everything is in alignment with how I project myself they’re not feeling one thing but seeing something else.

I did that last summer. I did a full rebranding full redid my entire website. Really simplified everything as far as colors, and images, and copy.

Started sharing more simple but yet kind of irreverent, kind of blending in sort of the funny and the mundane and the innocent, and the lap the humor and all that together.

And once I did that, it became, first of all, easier for me to create products and content. But it was also I was receiving it better. It just the energy of my reception by others really cleared up.

And the lesson for the listeners of your show in that is that before you do any work on attracting your ideal client you better know who you are underneath at first and quite possibly your ideal client that you think you’re trying to reach right now might not even be the person you most want to work with.

Because until you’ve done that work on yourself to know exactly who you are and what your brand is and what you’re trying to convey only then can you attract those people that you actually want to work with.

We did it backward a lot of times we think ‘OK so we use money as the measuring stick. I want the most money, so I’m going to put myself into business opportunities that make the most money.’ And then we try to morph and twist and make it so that we’re in this specific thing and then we’re going to appeal to this type of client, that’s going to happen that we’re making less money.

If you look at it the other way by getting your stuff together first, understanding who you are first, then crafting that your ideal client possibly could be completely different. The beautiful thing is that once you understand that your purpose will be shown, you will have clarity and the money piece will take care of itself anyway.

You’ll be able to make just as much money if not more because you are going to be in alignment not only with your message but with who your ideal client is. You’re going to be able to truly speak to that client bolt with your words and your message and your videos with your spirit.

That might sound a little bit outside the box for some but it’s a reality and it’s something that I noticed in my own work. I stopped chasing money as the main metric when I got out of the commodities business. I had done real estate. I had health issues. I had all the stuff. And I realized that it was soulless. I wasn’t doing what I wanted.

When I shifted into doing what I wanted because I wanted to leave a mark on humanity and do something better, then everything started to kind of work its way. Then I had to take the next step last summer when I did my full rebrand and even shifted up further.

I highly recommend anybody else who feel stuck in their business and their marketing look in the mirror first that’s most likely where the problem is.

How to create your branding message that connect with your ideal client with Bryce PrescottMarina Barayeva:

When we craft our braining message like you say, many people pay attention to money, and that’s how they craft their ideal client, the process, and everything. In the branding message they may try to sell but what to be aware of when you create a branding message that will sell to your ideal client but it won’t be too pushy.

Bryce Prescott:

Here’s the thing, if you really understand who your ideal client is you’ll know what you can get away with it. I don’t have a hard answer to that question, Marina. Because it changes depending on who your ideal client is and what industry.

But that’s why you’ve got to get in the head of that client. Because let’s say, for example, you sell a product where a comedian, for example, is your ideal client. You could be really aggressive and brash and vulgar with the comedian where you couldn’t be with, let’s say, a businesswoman. Two different people.

Understanding that it goes back into really getting in the head of your ideal client so that you know where you can push and where you can’t push.

The idea of being too pushy… I don’t think that being pushy or worrying about being pushy is something that’s truly effective when it comes to your branding message. I think it’s about being… It goes back to that heaven and hell.

If you’ve done a good job of painting the picture of the heaven and hell, it’s actually impossible to be too pushy. Because at that point… I retract that statement it’s possible to be too pushy, but it’s going to be a lot more difficult because when you painted such a great picture of what they’re going to miss out on then you’re just asking qualifying questions at that point to understand who they are and how to get them to identify with your message.

Again, you just have to get in their head. It’s not an avatar list of like: this person is this, and then it’s like ‘OK.’ Embody that person. Now you have this list of characteristics in your avatar.

What did they do this morning? Did they sleep in? Did they get up on time? Where did they go? What type of breakfast of a person have?

Like really get into the into the details, and you’ll start to understand exactly where you can really push on the message in a way that isn’t pushy but as yet very direct.

Marina Barayeva:

What would be one or two things which you would include in the branding message? What our listeners could include there? Is there anything ‘must have’?

Bryce Prescott:

I’ll lean back to heaven and hell. Your potential clients need to know the emotional result of working with you.

Too many people get caught up in the mechanism and what you’re going to provide. So, for example, let’s use the luxury photographer. You can say: we provide hair and makeup, we provide the location, we provide a wardrobe, but those are mechanics.

What you’re really providing is peace of mind that you’re going to look and feel as beautiful as possible. You’re providing a level of fun uncertainty with the different locations that you’re providing. You are allowing them to be at ease that everything is handled.

The emotional stuff is what people really need to focus on. Those are those are the key things. Don’t get cut up in the mechanics of what you offer. Share the emotions of what the result is.

I’ll use my own business as an example first for a second example here. So for example, part of the mechanics of what I help with my clients and my programs is I help teach people how to meditate. I teach people how to begin a habit of writing their journals. I teach them how to get in shape with going to the gym on a regular basis and understanding their body differently. I can teach them how to retrain that voice in their head so that is a friend instead of a foe. But those mechanical things that I teach isn’t what I talk about in my message.

I talk about how instead of starting your day in a rush that when you work with me, I help you to start your day with peace, and with mindfulness, and with a perspective of your day that things work out. I teach you to feel that your body is actually your friend and that it’s something that deserves your attention. I teach you to be able to recognize that when you care for your body it does all these wonderful things for you.

I teach you that it’s possible to have imagine that feeling of that voice in your head being your friend. That feeling, that experience is something that I help you with.

You can see the difference. The mechanics are what I do, but it’s the result that you focus on. There are luxury photographers, the same thing with the artist, it’s the same thing. It all comes back to emotions.

Decisions to buy or not to buy are emotional decisions. They’re not logical decisions. From a psychological standpoint, they’re always emotional. So, when you appeal to the emotions of your ideal client that’s what your message gets to do. It gets to appeal to those emotions. And again, the best way to do that is to get inside their head understand what their needs are and what their trigger points are.

Marina Barayeva:

Thank you, Bryce. A lot of amazing tips here. Now, how can we connect with you? How can we know more about you?

Bryce Prescott:

There’s a couple of different places you can find. I’m all over the place on social media. If you go to facebook.com, it’s just facebook.com/BrycePrescott. It is my personal page you can reach out to me there.

I also have my own podcast. If you go to bryceprescott.com you can find out about my public speaking that I do, you can find out about my coaching, and you can also find out about the assistance that I do with helping people specifically to kind of overcome some of these challenges.

If there’s one place I would send you. Just go to bryceprescott.com and natural my name is spelled B-R-Y-C-E P-R-E-S-C-O-T-T. And my Twitter, Instagram, and every everything else is on bryceprescott.com. So, feel free to find me there.

Marina Barayeva:

Everything is Bryce Prescott (laughing). Fantastic. Thanks, so much Bryce.

Bryce Prescott:

You’re welcome, Marina. Thanks for having me on.

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