Do you still do everything by yourself on your blog? Your time and experience are more valuable. Here are 27 blogging tasks you to outsource right now to get more free time. #blogging #contentmarketing #bloggingtips #creativeentrepreneur

Do you still do everything by yourself on your blog?

Would you like to have more free time by outsourcing blogging tasks?

Blogging takes a lot of time. There are always bunch of things to do:

  • Constantly writing a new content
  • Do researchers
  • Uploading posts
  • Creating images
  • Working on SEO-optimization
  • … Add your blogging task here

In the beginning, many bloggers do all on them own. Then, you come to the point when there is no time for your business and, even more, for your family.

Here a doubt comes:

Should I outsource blogging tasks or I still can do them?

Your time and experience are more valuable. As you grow, begin to outsource parts of your work so you can focus on important stuff and be productive.

There are three reasons why you still do everything:

  • You are a perfectionist and don’t believe that someone else can do your work.
  • You see, that other people do the job not so good as you, and it’s not good enough for you.
  • You don’t want to put money to your blog because you want to use that money for your personal needs.

They stop you from growing.

One of my friends said:

Before, I’ve done everything by myself in business. Now, 80% of my work is finding money and people who can do the job better than I.

There are many repetitive, time-consuming works, which you can put into instruction and delegate. Also, you may want to outsource some stuff, which you don’t like to do.

Blogging tip: Outsource repetitive, time-consuming works and tasks, which you don’t like.Click To Tweet

As a starting point, a team from put together 27 blogging tasks you may outsource right now.

What blogging task would you like to outsource, but still postpone delegating and do by yourself? Leave me a comment below.

Do you still do everything by yourself on your blog? Your time and experience are more valuable. Here are 27 blogging tasks you to outsource right now to get more free time. #blogging #contentmarketing #bloggingtips #creativeentrepreneur

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