How to Repurpose Content to Reach More People with Ana Hoffman | Ep 9

The simple step you can do in your content marketing strategy is to repurpose content that you already created

Constantly creating a quality content takes a lot of time. But when you create the content for one platform such as a blog or social media you can multiply it by repurposing it on other platforms. That way you get valuable new updates without actually creating new stuff.

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How to Get More Clients with LinkedIn with Gary Kissel | Ep 6

How to get more clients with LinkedIn if you are a creative entrepreneur. Interview with Gary Kissel on Marketing for Creatives show.

Would you like to get notified when someone in your area interested in your service? That’s what LinkedIn does when you are selected for their special section for professionals. But before you get noticed by LinkedIn and more important by your potential clients you need to make

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A Great Customer Experience: How to Make Your Business Memorable with Tim Reid | Ep 3

When clients are happy, they come to buy again or recommend you to others. Check this episode with the marketing expert Tim Reid about how you can create a great customer experience and make your small business memorable.

When clients are happy, they come to buy again or recommend you to others. And that’s your task to create such a great experience for them that they will remember you, your business and will become the evangelists of your service or product. In this episode, Tim

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How to Create a Marketing Strategy for Small Business with Doug Morneau | Ep 2

Do you have a marketing strategy or do a little bit of everything without big results? Learn how to create a marketing strategy for your business with Doug Morneau

Do you have a marketing strategy or do a little bit of everything without big results? With a lot of options, that you have to market your business it’s easy to get lost in what actually you should do. You’ve heard that you need to create your

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Personal Brand: How to Become a Recognized Expert with Dorie Clark | Ep 1

Learn how to build your Personal Brand and become a recognized expert. Interview with Dorie Clark.

Would you like to build your personal brand and become a recognized expert in your niche? Sound good, right? You may have a thought for a moment if you are good enough for that. However, think also about what you have: your experience, your knowledge, and your personality

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